Emotional A.D.D

My feelings are all over the place.

Different parts of my being seemingly unable to agree.

It's as if there are too many words trying to come out all at once, every piece of me trying to express. To share their experiences, to be seen, to be heard, to be understood.

A desire expressed here, a thought flitting there, a feeling passing through, a laugh and a smile. I know this could go on for a while.

Yet, because they are all trying to speak at the same time, nothing is being said.

The flood of expression resulting in a blank page.

My emotions playing tug of war with each other. The beginning of a desire expressed being interrupted by another part of me wanting something different. And so I argue within myself. Feeling trapped by the confusion.

1/2 a poem here.
1/2 a letter there.
A moment of dancing in the room.
No... sit and meditate.
Actually, wait... reach out to a friend!

And in the end?

There's a trail of half expressions.
A mess of words, an outward depiction of my inner disaster.

So i sit, feeling misunderstood and deeply alone, because in all my longing to be heard, nothing was actually said.

Ocean with wave photo by elizabeth lies on unsplash

To Have A Voice.


The Picture In Our Head…